Hello From Glenn

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Hello From Glenn

Post by Glenn » Sun Mar 22, 2015 7:57 pm

Hi everyone,
While not really new to salt water fly fishing, I am new to this forum and liking it very much. I also have the excitement of being invited on the 2015 Boneheads trip to Exmouth and am really looking forward to it.

I am retired and seem to have less time on my hands than ever but still mange to fit in a few fishing trips from the Freshwater scene, to Karratha, Cape Keraudren and Exmouth throughout the year plus the day to day stuff around Mandurah.

I've caught a few saltwater water fish on fly including various trevally, Tailor, Whiting, Flathead, Spaniards (small),Threadfin, Mangrove Jack and even managed a Giant Herring on my last rip to Wilderness Island. Fun, but no real big ones- they have been hooked but spat the hook, bit through the leader or just busted off. Maybe my fortunes will be better this year.

I tie a few flies and here is a sample of some I'll be taking north this year. The larger fly is tied on a long shank circle hook by Mustard. Boy do they stick!
Cheers, and looking forward to meeting up in the future,

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Re: Hello From Glenn

Post by Hirdy » Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:08 pm

G'day Glenn,

Good to see you on here too mate. You're gonna have a ball at Boneheads. It's great fun to be with a bunch of blokes who love fly fishing and the stories from the day's catches each night are inspiring, to say the least.

I'm tying up a bunch of crabs and shrimps at the moment, but the go-to flies are normally clousers and deceivers. Already have too many of them though … :oops: A good fly is a "shrimpy clouser": it works as shrimp when dragged along the bottom, but stripped back quickly, it'll tempt queenies, trevs, GH as well. That bottom one of yours is pretty close to what you'd tie up as a shrimpy clouser.

IFFF Certified Casting Instructor

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