6:30am I arrived at Rudi's and we packed the boat rigged the rods and headed to the marina, by 7:30 am we were at our first spot to drop in a cray pot then it was off to the back of 3 mile.
once anchored we started to burley up and hope for the best. after a while with nil results we decided to move and right on the call of last casts we had a school of yellow tail kingfish come up in the burley trail. now with both of us hooting and hollering we put some casts in, after a cast or two each with follows right to the boat we were now screaming at the fish to eat the fly.
Next cast in i stripped the line with a bit more force and a more sudden stop and i got the eat and strip striked the hell out that thing it was at that exact moment i realised the full weight of my previous decision to fish my 7wt instead of swapping to the 10 when they showed up. After a good little fight mostly under/ right next too the boat I landed my first ever Yellow tail king fish!!! on my little 7wt sage vantage and rovex genesis reel to boot. It went 63cms and into the esky

With the school still buzzing around and my heart thumping while trying to catch my breath i decided to throw a little cast 3 meters so i can strip some line onto the deck. As soon as the line hit the water BANG fish on again. this time im pretty sure Rudi wanted to curse me out for it as he couldnt get a hook set yet but he is too polite for that. this second fish went a bit harder and after anothe fun battle we kept it close too the boat since his mates were following him. after a few casts rudi got a hook into a much bigger model that tore off at a rate of knots to the nearest bit of reef and pinged him

We landed my second fish and he went 67cm no time for a photo on that one. a few more casts and another hour of burleying we decided to move as the fish had buggered off. with arms being a little tired the worlds best skipper even pulled the pick for me at three mile while i rested.
A decision was made to head to the gemini wreck and see what we could find after a long steam there we anchored off and burleyed up. after about an hour or so with only one hit we decided to call last casts, about three quarters of the way up with nearly a fully fly line on the deck Rudi came up tight set the hook and watched as all that line disappeared in seconds and straight into the backing, with a back braking fight and not wanting to be outdone Rudi landed this awesome Samson fish on his 10 weight.

We stuck it out for bit longer but had no further bites, i pulled the pick and we headed back to 3 mile. 2 casts in at 3 mile and Rudi spotted a bust up in the distance we pulled anchor and headed off in hot pursuit, on closer inspection it was small southern blue fin tuna. we tried as had as we could but unfortunately we couldnt get a hook in one. we decided to call it a day and head home with the boat of the trailer by 1pm.