Fly Corner
Fly Corner
Rearranging my little corner of the house, well inside anyway, so I can keep the gear out and have it close at hand. Set up some shelves, found some great hooks to keep the desktop clear and have things close at hand. Still more to do, but it's a start. Anyone got ideas on what they have to save time and space?
Re: Fly Corner
I do a lot of CAD work from home. So used to them I find it a pain not to have them, especially when I'm 3D modeling.
Re: Fly Corner
Looks good Sean. If you can move the drawers off the desk, it will give you more work space. I know once I start tying, there's never enough room to work.
Don't ask how, but I've managed to sneak my tying desk into the kitchen. Because it's set up all the time, it's less of a chore to tie flies.
Don't ask how, but I've managed to sneak my tying desk into the kitchen. Because it's set up all the time, it's less of a chore to tie flies.
Re: Fly Corner
Few more shelves to come to fix that problem. Just got some more hooks and material so want this done to replace a few blowie munched flies from the weekend.
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- Posts: 46
- Joined: Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:26 pm
Re: Fly Corner
Nice man cave, looks like Ikea/Bunnings could help you out in adding some more storage solutions.
Their is never enough room for fishing gear!!!
Their is never enough room for fishing gear!!!
<*)))>< <*)))><
- Posts: 54
- Joined: Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:09 pm
Re: Fly Corner
In my tying corner.
- Attachments
- IMG_0187.jpg
- I like a tool caddy for my tools and a tying bench for the stuff I use while tying a specific pattern.
- (35.8 KiB) Not downloaded yet
- IMG_0185.jpg
- You may want to try an office shop for this set of drawers that can be wheeled around. Hide it somewhere when you are not tying and pull it out when you need it. A filing cabinet with hanging folders works well too.
- (37.95 KiB) Not downloaded yet
Re: Fly Corner
The only thing I like about the drawers I have is that they fit neatly into the camper when we go away 

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- Posts: 367
- Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:27 pm
Re: Fly Corner
Love that Tarpon Sean, where can I get one?