And thanks to both Gav and Morsie for dragooning me into the organising position for the coming event. I'll be asking my wife if she'd like to try the organising position at some stage too, having just had the pleasure of experiencing it myself ...

The dates for Boneheads 2017 are 30th of April to 6th of May, 2017. That will give us tides similar to those we had last week and water temps that should be pretty good for fishing. We'll be in Exmouth once again and staying at the Exmouth Escape Resort (again).
At the moment, I'm expecting the costs to be the same ($800) and we'll have places for 28 Boneheads. Preferences for those places will be given to those who have attended before and who indicate they want to attend before the end of the November club meeting. Then it will be opened up to all comers on a "first in - first served" basis. (People who haven't been before can register their interest and go on the waiting list immediately, so any positions available on 02/11/2016 will be yours.)
The first instalment of payments will be due on 30th November. There will be three instalments in total: $100, $300 and $400
There will be shirts of some sort organised (could be fishing shirts or T-shirts) and they will cost extra for those who want them.