Canal Rocks Ramp

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Simon Gilbert
Club Member
Posts: 112
Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:25 am

Canal Rocks Ramp

Post by Simon Gilbert » Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:12 am

Not sure where this post fits on the site....

Several years ago several members of the club used to go to Dunsborough chasing salmon. When the weather was good we would launch at Canal Rocks. Often not the easiest of places to launch with a bigger boat but when a couple of club boats would come in at the same time, the 'many hands' would make the task easier. We certainly had some great sessions out from here. Sooner or later the salmon won't make it up to Perth for a season or two and going back to Dunsborough might be the only way to get one on a fly rod.

Now there are moves afoot to close the ramp...I suggest you follow the attached link and 'sign' a petition to help to keep it open. ... 834857930


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