Hi all,
This year's Boneheads is happening between 19th and 27th October. Exmouth is once again the location of choice. The cost of accomodation is $800 and you pay for everything else.
We have 31 people currently signed up and room for one more. If you are interested in coming, please send me an email on graeme.hird@gmail.com or post something below.
Boneheads 2019
Boneheads 2019
IFFF Certified Casting Instructor
Re: Boneheads 2019
Hi Guys,
Just wondering if anyone wants some company on the trip to Exmouth, splitting costs and driving. I'm planning on shore fishing but don't mind
being a deckie if one is needed. If interested see you at the club meeting
Just wondering if anyone wants some company on the trip to Exmouth, splitting costs and driving. I'm planning on shore fishing but don't mind
being a deckie if one is needed. If interested see you at the club meeting