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Re: Ghosts of Boneheads Past

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:29 pm
by Hirdy
That one of Morsie goes back a long way. That doesn't look like a Sage reel. :)

Re: Ghosts of Boneheads Past

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 10:06 pm
by Arnold Tucker
This is going back to the 10th Boneheads and what a Motley Crew.
Sadly some of whom are no longer with us but remembered all the same by all that new them and had the privilege to fish with, all the while taking in the knowledge and skill that they were more than happy to share.
Boneheads 10th Anniversary.jpg
The Motley Crew of the 10th Anniversary.

Fond memories


Re: Ghosts of Boneheads Past

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 2:55 pm
by Tony Ong
Boneheads 2009.
The chief and his reef.

Re: Ghosts of Boneheads Past

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:01 am
by Craig Radford
Hirdy wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:29 pm That one of Morsie goes back a long way. That doesn't look like a Sage reel. :)
Nope, an Abel.
This one was on a Sage reel and the pic made it to a Flylife cover.
Boneheads 3, Gnaraloo.

Re: Ghosts of Boneheads Past

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 10:06 pm
by Dave Bailey
Seems a long time ago Dave.
Sure does Arnie. Chad took that photo on one of the first digital cameras I had seen. I had a $20 disposable waterproof camera at the time (the film variety) :)

Here is another one from the pre-buff era about 15 or so years ago - my first decent Spangley that topped of a cracker day from shore fishing with Cole Thurley.
There was a bit of an "orange thing" going on for a few years around then too...maybe it will come back into fashion :)

Re: Ghosts of Boneheads Past

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 11:57 am
by Tony Ong
The original orange colour came about from one of our early Exmouth trips. These were the days before Buff’s were available. Got to Exmouth, and realised that I hadn’t packed a hat. A quick visit to Bluewater Exmouth to pick up a hat of some sort. Long story short, they only had standard caps and a single orange Araphat (spelling?).
At the time it was sun protection. Quickly worked out that it lifted a lot of the photos as well.
2005 033sm.jpg
When we started getting Columbia shirts for boneheads trips, we kept going with the ‘loud’ colour theme. Note, rod below is a 4 weight. That little spangly bent the rod to the cork. We learnt very quickly that fishing light rods was asking for trouble.
One year, Rohan put his foot down, and everyone had to get the same colour shirt. A couple of us got some extra embroidery put onto our shirts.

Re: Ghosts of Boneheads Past

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 5:13 pm
by Stephen Bradbury
Some pics from Boneheads 2008

Re: Ghosts of Boneheads Past

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 5:18 pm
by Stephen Bradbury
A few more

Re: Ghosts of Boneheads Past

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 9:20 am
by Dave Bailey
A couple of us got some extra embroidery put onto our shirts.

Probably should add “and the shirts of a couple of other unsuspecting suckers as well” on the end of that sentence Tony. :)

I didn’t know you forgot to take a hat on a Boneheads trip - that is a quality “rookie error” :P That might be an interesting topic to discuss too. On my first trip I only took one rod and about a dozen flies (all bought, hadn’t started tying then)...didn’t quite cut it! 😂

Re: Ghosts of Boneheads Past

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 11:03 am
by jason pember
On my first group trip to Exy with a few of the boys I had one rod, one reel and one intermediate line. After only 3 days I was using one of Morsie’s spare rods, Rohan had rebuilt my reel ( including gluing the handle back on) and l lost my intermediate line to a big golden on the first session. Rohan also gave me an old pair of his sunnies amazing what a difference that made 😀.