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Re: Kununurra Trip
Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:00 pm
by Adam
What about Excelsior pool on the Dunham Troy. A little boat and a healthy respect for the big croc? Even standanding on the rocks trying to pick them up in the run out of the pool?
Re: Kununurra Trip
Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:05 pm
by troy
I was being cryptic and discrete by saying "Heading downstream of the Dunham bridge on the highway might find more barra" but seeing as its out there, Yes Excelsior is a good option in that area
Re: Kununurra Trip
Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:42 am
Had a great trip! What a beautiful place!
Fished at El Questro with only little sootys and archers biting, also fished home valley in the Pentecost to no avail (not impressed by home valley, they had no working boats for hire and their guided fishing tour was just a 4wd track to exactly where we were camping... glad i didn't pay for that!). Did see some monster catfish and a juvie bull shark pulled out on high tide though. The tidal movement in that river is truly impressive.
Was lucky enough to get out to some private places on aboriginal land where no white people had been before and fish the slowly drying up but still deep pools of some rivers. Caught some great Barramundi but they wouldn't touch a fly! I caught just about everything else on fly, big archers, sootys, catfish etc. Saw a few crocs, the biggest being about 4m in the Pentecost river about 50m from my camp site at home valley station, bit of an eye opener!! Lucky the banks were steep haha.
Also on the last day got talking to an aboriginal leader for one of the communities we were lucky enough to be invited to and he told me of a natural spring 80km off the track that him and his family go to camp and fish. Apparently it houses some big barramundi. He also went on to say these particular barra were black with two white stripes down their body length and that they live in the weeds in flowing water. Needless to say I told him ill be back!
If i get time ill post some photos when i get back from work on the weekend.
Re: Kununurra Trip
Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:03 am
by Andre Rossouw
Good work Dave
Re: Kununurra Trip
Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:29 pm
by Tony Ong
Nice report Dave. Look forward to the pics.
Re: Kununurra Trip
Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:06 pm
by peter birch
Sounds like a good trip David.
Re: Kununurra Trip
Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:18 am
by jloggenberg
There's always a spring or a river or a sand flat somewhere ...
Nice trip report Dave. Look forward to seeing those pictures.