CXI Gear

Stephen Bradbury
Club Member
Posts: 232
Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2015 1:26 pm
Location: Perth, Western Australia

Re: CXI Gear

Post by Stephen Bradbury » Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:11 pm

Hey Rudi, there are obviously heaps of guy's that have done numerous trips to CXI in the club and they all probably differ slightly on fly, boot and gear preferences. But my personal opinion (after 3 different styles of booties over 3 trips) is that (as other guys have stated) for value for money good quality rubber soled neoprene booties with the addition of the Simms wet wading socks are perfect. I also agree that a weather/waterproof sling is the best option over a bum bag for comfort and storage capacity etc. There are 4 of the (in my opinion) essential fly patterns in the fly tying section of our website that I can recommend especially the CXI special (lightly dressed) and the Krystal flash fly. Again personally I would recommend not over complicating things, about 30 odd flies on size 6 good quality hooks (big game lights & SL45's) in both heavy brass eyes and beadchain will be more than enough for all the Bonefish and Triggers, plus around 6-8 big GT flies on some 6/0-8/0's. I took over 400 plus bone fish flies on my trips but never went through more than 20 over the week :lol: If you can make it I can show you a couple of the flies at the upcoming tying day ? and you can even grab some of the 300 odd spares I tied. :)

Posts: 172
Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:51 pm

Re: CXI Gear

Post by Rudi » Wed Mar 16, 2016 8:20 pm

Hi Steve, thanks for taking the time to provide some advice. Much appreciated. 400 flies :lol:

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