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Re: Line Tray's

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 10:16 pm
by Rohan
Ha Ha , its all part of the challenge :D

Re: Line Tray's

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 8:29 am
by Tony Ong
A good a time as any to put this pic up. This person did the spinning blowfish. It involves getting onto your back with legs up in the air desperately trying to kick line up from behind your legs. You need to do this before you break a rod, lose the fish, or your legs get cut off. :lol: A tuna of some description was on the other end of the line. Line burns were from braid backing.
Unfortunately, the fish was lost. On the positive side, the operator kept his legs.
Mental note to self. Do not step back into line when casting to tuna. :lol:

Re: Line Tray's

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 1:01 pm
by Diarmuid O Laoghaire
Bloody hell! Mental picture is hilarious! lol :lol: I say that was scalding for a few days!!! :D

Re: Line Tray's

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 4:08 pm
by Stephen Bradbury
I can honestly say after watching that particular event unfold before my eyes from the front casting deck of that boat, and at full terrifying speed, I never want to see another fly angler hook a longtail tuna and realise a split second late that the line is all around his legs. If ever there was a call for good line management, awareness, stripping buckets etc then Tuna are it ! :o
Remember Braid and Flesh DO NOT MIX ! :shock:

Re: Line Tray's

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:44 pm
by Martin Kuhn


Also a good reason to wear long pants.....

Re: Line Tray's

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:26 pm
by Roger Smith
line pallet.jpg
(85.25 KiB) Not downloaded yet
This is a copy of the line pallet I knocked up myself
Was quite easy, used a bandsaw to cut out shape. a spade bit to cut holes.
The foam cost $27.00 from Cark Rubber. The rest of the bits were available at spotlight but I managed to scavenge most of it from around the place. It cost about $32.00
Was quite chuffed how it turned out.

Re: Line Tray's

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:00 am
by Martin Kuhn
Hey Roj,
That's really impressive. You should be quite proud of that one. It looks very schmick.
I'd be keen on having a closer look at it and preparing a parts list from it.

Re: Line Tray's

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 4:23 pm
by BrianHarwood
Looks Great Roger,
can you bring it along to the Club Meeting for a Look

Re: Line Tray's

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 4:29 pm
by Diarmuid O Laoghaire
Roger Smith wrote:
line pallet.jpg
This is a copy of the line pallet I knocked up myself
Was quite easy, used a bandsaw to cut out shape. a spade bit to cut holes.
The foam cost $27.00 from Cark Rubber. The rest of the bits were available at spotlight but I managed to scavenge most of it from around the place. It cost about $32.00
Was quite chuffed how it turned out.
Nice one Roger! What did you make the cones out of? Silicone tops was it?

Re: Line Tray's

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:27 pm
by Roger Smith
I just cut them down by about one third