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Re: Casting Clinics with Peter Morse, 12th & 13th Dec 2015
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:49 pm
by Diarmuid O Laoghaire
I'll do Sunday lad!

Re: Casting Clinics with Peter Morse, 12th & 13th Dec 2015
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:00 am
by MichaelG
I will no longer be able to attend this unfortunately as the missus has made plans for a holiday in pemberton that weekend
Re: Casting Clinics with Peter Morse, 12th & 13th Dec 2015
Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:15 pm
by Hirdy
Hi all,
I'll be contacting Peter during the next week to find out how he'd like to be paid. Once I know, I'll begin collecting money on a no-return basis*.
Be prepared to have the hat held out in the next month ...
* No-return means once you've committed, Peter is able to pay for his flights to and from Perth. If we don't get full commitment, Peter can't come to Perth. A cancelation under these circumstances will result in a full refund to those who did commit.
Re: Casting Clinics with Peter Morse, 12th & 13th Dec 2015
Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:04 pm
by Michael Nowak
Hello Graeme, if there is still a spot available I would like to attend on the Saturday
Cheers Michael Nowak
Re: Casting Clinics with Peter Morse, 12th & 13th Dec 2015
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:48 pm
by Craig wise
Hi I live i Geraldton and would like to book for both days could you please give me some details of who to pay and the venue
Thanks Craig wise
Re: Casting Clinics with Peter Morse, 12th & 13th Dec 2015
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:14 pm
by Hirdy
Hi Craig,
That would be me.
PMs going out shortly, as soon as I can find a little bit of time for it.
Re: Casting Clinics with Peter Morse, 12th & 13th Dec 2015
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:03 pm
by ash
Hey Graeme if there's a free spot for the Saturday I'll grab it mate...
Re: Casting Clinics with Peter Morse, 12th & 13th Dec 2015
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:09 pm
by Hirdy
Okay, tallying up the numbers, we are stretched for Saturday, so it's looking like a wait-list is now in place. Morsie would like the maximum class size to be 12, but we might be able to talk him into a couple more on the Saturday if we promise a few "Little Helpers" from the club's more experienced members.
The lists, in order of contact (i.e. First come, first served).
Dan Smith
Nathan Busio
Mick Small
Leon Normore
Matt Goodall
Nigel Danson
Michael Nowack
Craig Wise
(Total = 14)
(Ash and Craig, whilst you are officially wait-listed, I would be very surprised if you can't make it onto the final list of attendees. Things will come up before the day and someone will most likely not be able to make it. There are also helpers waiting in the wings.)
Tony Ong
Brian Harwood
Graeme Hird
Leon Normore
Andre Rossouw
Spencer King (?)
Wade Stenhouse
Stephen Winsor
Diarmouid O Laoghmaire
Craig Wise
(Total = 10)
I'll send out bank details (or paypal) this evening via PM.
If I have put you down for the wrong day, please let me know ASAP. Some of you didn't mention which day you wanted to attend, so I have made assumptions.
Re: Casting Clinics with Peter Morse, 12th & 13th Dec 2015
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:42 pm
by Hirdy
If you put your name down and haven't received a PM now, please let me know.
Re: Casting Clinics with Peter Morse, 12th & 13th Dec 2015
Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 7:52 am
by Hirdy
Current lists:
Dan Smith
Nathan Busio
Mick Small (paid)
Leon Normore
Ryan A
Nigel Danson (paid)
Gary (paid)
Torren (paid)
Michael Nowack (paid)
Craig Wise
Ash (paid)
(Total = 12)
(Ash and Craig, you're now on the list. PM coming soon.)
Tony Ong (paid)
Brian Harwood (paid)
Graeme Hird (paid)
Leon Normore
Andre Rossouw
Spencer King (?)
Wade Stenhouse
Stephen Winsor
Diarmouid O Laoghmaire (paid)
Craig Wise
Tim Whitfield
(Total = 11)