Car pooling 2016

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Car pooling 2016

Post by Torren » Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:34 pm

G’day guys,
Due to the fact that I can’t get to a club meeting I thought I’d start a thread around travel arrangements for the upcoming boneheads trip for anyone looking for a way up or back.
At this stage I’m heading up by myself and I’m interested to know if anyone needs a lift. I live down near Bunbury so I can easily call in and pick up anyone along the way with plenty of room for gear. I’ll be taking my dual cab Navara and 4m tinny with the option of carting a kayak if needed.
My travel plans are flexible, but at this stage I’m looking at heading up on the 1st and I need to be home on the 16th. I’ll probably just swag it in a caravan park of the dates outside of staying at Exmouth Escape.
PM if interested

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Re: Car pooling 2016

Post by ash » Sat Jul 23, 2016 3:11 pm

Hey tozza,

My plans are still up in the air, depending on work ill be heading up either earlier or heading home later....

Ideally ill be leaving on the first also. Convoy possibly? Wouldnt mind making the drive in one day but easier said than done hey...

One thing for sure im looking forward to some warm weather though I'm sure things are much cooler down your way so I won't whinge!

Cheers ash

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Re: Car pooling 2016

Post by Torren » Wed Jul 27, 2016 10:16 am

Hey Ash,
If car pooling isn't an option, then convoy is certainly the next best thing. Safety in numbers ay.
I spent a month fishing the Exmouth area in April/May and while we did get a fair bit of wind, when we did get out the fishing was great. I'm hearing that the water is really cold up there at the moment, but it should only get better from now on. I must admit, I'm looking forward to getting back up there and not having to only fish kid friendly beaches.

I'm taking up my 4m proline with a motoguide bow mount, so anyone who wants to come out for a fish please just ask. Earlier this year we had a ball chasing spanglies in 2-3m of water just out from the Tantabiddi boat ramp and explored some of the ground south of there inside the reef. This area of sand flats is a great option if the swell is up as it is really protected. This trip I'd also like to fish the bay of rest. I'll always be looking for a fishing buddy.

I know it's still early but I'm just putting it out there as I can't make it to the next meeting.


Mick Small
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Re: Car pooling 2016

Post by Mick Small » Thu Jul 28, 2016 9:20 am

Hi Torren

My brother and I will be sharing Unit 12 with you and Leon. We are planning on towing the Topender on Friday and either staying the night in Carnarvon or camping near Manilya.

I'd be happy to convoy. My mobile is 0428474155.


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Re: Car pooling 2016

Post by Torren » Thu Jul 28, 2016 7:47 pm

Thanks for the reply Mick,
I'll work out when I'm going to leave closer to the time but I'll be in touch regardless.

I'd imagine that there would be quite a few of you staying for longer than the week, what are your accommodation plans after that? Caravan park, house, resort, back seat of your car? I normally stay at the Yardie Creek caravan park but I was thinking of camping in the Ningaloo caravan park in town, more for the social aspect.

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