I started https://www.facebook.com/groups/BreamOnFly/ to help people get into fly fishing and to pass on info about bream on fly as there just wasn't a lot around despite the large volume of spin information. As a sideline to it I've started recording my own tying vids as I go and was wondering if anyone else in Perth is doing the same? Would be great to see other locals share their ideas when it comes to fly tying.
For what it's worth, here's mine.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX1O9v ... =0&sort=dd
Anyone Else Share Their Fly Tying?
Re: Anyone Else Share Their Fly Tying?
Nice work Bear, will certainly make use of these vids for my fly tying. Don't think my fly tying is up to scratch for YouTube but will do once I become more proficient at tying. Keep them coming!
Re: Anyone Else Share Their Fly Tying?
Hey Sean,
My fly tying skills are average at best but I do enjoy following your Facebook post and you tube vids. Keep up the good work mate!
Your right about the lack of information regarding bream on fly, I guess its possible to match the hatch in a sense to what lures work? A motor oil z man grub fly? Ha!
My fly tying skills are average at best but I do enjoy following your Facebook post and you tube vids. Keep up the good work mate!
Your right about the lack of information regarding bream on fly, I guess its possible to match the hatch in a sense to what lures work? A motor oil z man grub fly? Ha!
Re: Anyone Else Share Their Fly Tying?
Thanks Ash.
The swap between lure and fly does flow in a lot of ways. That's how I came to using the chilli pepper fly on the Murray. I cracked a pattern on spin of using the fluro orange Yo-Zuri Snap shad in the clear, but tannin stained water. I started with the chilli pepper fly and now use a few different styles, but that colour cracked it for me for sure.
The swap between lure and fly does flow in a lot of ways. That's how I came to using the chilli pepper fly on the Murray. I cracked a pattern on spin of using the fluro orange Yo-Zuri Snap shad in the clear, but tannin stained water. I started with the chilli pepper fly and now use a few different styles, but that colour cracked it for me for sure.