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swan river mulloway
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:12 pm
by Stephen Winsor
Hey Guys,
First post but have cruised around for a little while & also a member of the saltwater fly fishing forum.. anyway guys I had an injury about 2years ago and its only just getting better in my left arm.. but its all good now & im ready to fly back into it!
anyway my main interest in perth is chasing mulloway in the swan.. and ive done a bit of research into it & have being tieing up some fairly large flashy profile flies with lots of chartreuse & flash.. I am fairly confident my flies will catch the fish.. I just have a few questions
How would you set up your leader?
Inter sinking line?
is 8wt enough or should I go 9-10?
anywhere else worth fishing apart from the narrows?
any tips would be great guys.. and if anyones intersted in chasing them with me I am happy to met up & go for a fish
Re: swan river mulloway
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:32 am
by Hirdy
G'day Stephen,
I'll be watching this thread with interest as it's one of my goals to catch a Swan mulla on the fly. I'll be keen to join you in the hunt too. PM me for my contact details outside the forum.
I am still a bit of a newb though, so don't expect me to offer much experience in this venture!
Re: swan river mulloway
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:28 pm
by Stephen Winsor
Hey mate,
thanks for the reply! I would be very keen on wading around chasing mulloway with you man.. ill pm you my details & we can hook up and have a bash.. im fairly keen on getting amongest it asap! I just gotta make sure my gears set up properly!
Re: swan river mulloway
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:28 pm
by nicmorris
theirs allready a thread in the species section i think on mulloway i started
Re: swan river mulloway
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:28 pm
by nicmorris
sprry on the bench section
Re: swan river mulloway
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:30 pm
by Stephen Winsor
seen that.. but i wanted to see how people set up there rods.. tippets etc?
how would you go about it nic?
alot of people say straight through 60lb fluoro leader! others talk about tappered leaders!
Re: swan river mulloway
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:01 pm
by nicmorris
i personally think that a 20lb tippet it sufficient but thats just me have tussled with one on a fly rod but the was i see it is unless the rods flat you would struggle to put even 20lb of pressure through a fly rod but maybe a 60lb bite tippet?
Re: swan river mulloway
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:26 pm
by John Ladeira
Hey guys any luck on ya MULLOWAY quest?
Re: swan river mulloway
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:43 pm
by Stephen Winsor
Season doesn't start sept to oct depends... I'm starting to get organised now tieing up flashy profile flies etc.. Got a 9wt hardy pro axis on its way as well... Fingers crossed
Pm me if u wanna give it a crack looking for fishing buddies
Re: swan river mulloway
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:17 am
by Rohan
Had a look at the Narrows last night, and there were pelicans and terns and seagulls snapping up baitfish big time, no one fishing and the water was still fairly clear. I would say that with the right tides, there could well be a few Mulloway about. In the "old days" the run out at this time of year really went off sometimes. I remenber being perched on the pylon an a cold, damp but still night and landing two mulloway on bait from a total of 20 or more absolute screamer runs ( between a half dozen anglers ) as a school of mulloway were rounding up the bony herring. Not suggesting it will be that good ( could be with luck ), but at this time of the year you've got schools of mullet, bonies and whatever else that doesn't like the fresher water thats starting to come down , or the oxygen depleted water that the fresh creates via algae blooms further upstream. The thinking is that Mulloway that have acctually been lurking furthe down river, gather at the narrow opening of the narrows, to intercept fish coming down. Not as many think that the Mulloway are just coming down river.