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Paul Arden (& Hirdy) Casting Clinics, Perth, Dec 2017

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 9:18 am
by Hirdy
This is something not to be missed by Western Australian fly fishermen: Paul Arden and I are running a pair of casting clinics on 16th and 17th of December. Paul is well known as a world class casting instructor and distance casting champion. Paul owns and runs the SexyLoops web site and forum for casting nerds. His enthusiasm for all aspects of fly fishing is legendary and I feel honoured to be teaching alongside him in these two clinics.

Paul in action:

On Saturday, we’re working on those skills employed most often by saltwater fly fishermen. Dealing with wind, distance casting, delivering large flies, lifting sunken flies, accuracy at distance, etc.

On Sunday, we’re working on the skills used most often by freshwater fishermen: accuracy, aerial mends, roll casting, curve casts, slack line deliveries and of course, SH Spey techniques. SH Spey skills are also very useful in saltwater fishing as change-of-direction casts and/or casting in the tight confines of a barra creek. Paul is showing off with SH Spey casting in that video above ...

Of course, it goes without saying that all casting skills are transferable between fresh- and salt- water fishing, so it's well worth attending both days if you can. (These topics are subject to change, but that’s the rough outline we have in mind at the moment.)

The cost will be $120 per clinic or $200 for those attending both days. Lunch is included. Places are limited to 12 per day.

Go on! Treat yourself to the best Christmas present a fly guy can own: mad casting skills!


Re: Paul Arden (& Hirdy) Casting Clinics, Perth, Dec 2017

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 3:36 pm
by Richard H
Hi Hirdy

Book me in for both days please.


Re: Paul Arden (& Hirdy) Casting Clinics, Perth, Dec 2017

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 5:25 pm
by Hirdy
A little bump because there are only 4 places left for Sunday and 5 for Saturday. If you're considering coming, please contact me sooner rather than later because we won't be adding extra places.

(There's also one place available for the Port Hedland casting clinic I'm holding this weekend. If you're up that way and don't already know about it, consider yourself told. :) )


Re: Paul Arden (& Hirdy) Casting Clinics, Perth, Dec 2017

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:04 am
G'Day Hirdy,

Any chance there's a spot left for me on Saturday?

Re: Paul Arden (& Hirdy) Casting Clinics, Perth, Dec 2017

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:36 pm
by Hirdy
Yes there is Dave.

Can you send me an email at please? I'll send you my bank details for payment.


Re: Paul Arden (& Hirdy) Casting Clinics, Perth, Dec 2017

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 7:49 am
by ash
Hey Graeme if anyone's dropped out and there's a free spot tomorrow I'll grab it!


Re: Paul Arden (& Hirdy) Casting Clinics, Perth, Dec 2017

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 10:04 am
by Hirdy
G'day Ash,

There is a spot tomorrow if you'd like it. Call me on 0400 340 900 or better yet, send me an email on and I'll send you details.
