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Club Activities and COVID 19. Monday 23 March 2019.

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:59 pm
by Tony Ong
Hi all
In light of what is happening around us, the committee has decided to suspend all club activities for the next month.
As such, there will be no April meeting. This also means that our Denmark field day has also been cancelled. From all reports, life will not be the same for the next 6 months. Other meeting dates down the track are also likely to be affected. Please revisit the site to check in on what is happening. We'll try and get a group email out once things settle down.
We have a resource here in the form of this forum that we can share information, trip reports, etc. The forum has been pretty quiet of late, and a lot of this has to do with social media. HOWEVER, content gets very quickly lost on social media platforms.
I'm sure a lot of members have photos, ideas, past trips, or just questions about various aspects of our sport. While we don't have our monthly meetings, we can use the forum to keep in contact with other members.
I'm not sure if the forum software allows video to be embedded into posts. You can still get around this by uploading to youtube, vimeo etc and attaching a link to the video.
For all paid up members for 2020, there is a special members section of the forum. If you feel some of the information is too sensitive to share with the general public, but are still willing to share it with your mates in the club, please use this section to post.
Let's see if we can get some communication running through the forum. It will give those of us that are self isolating something to do. :lol:
Stay safe and look after your family. See you on the other side of this curve.

Re: Club Activities and COVID 19. Monday 23 March 2019.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:40 pm
by Dale
No problems Tony I guess I have to send back April's Raffle Prize was the ultimate Flyfishing suit guarantee 99.99 % Covid 19 proof. Might have save it for May meeting
By safe see you all soon.


Re: Club Activities and COVID 19. Monday 23 March 2019.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 7:24 pm
by daniel horne
There’s only one bloke who wins raffles any way haha

Re: Club Activities and COVID 19. Monday 23 March 2019.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 8:28 pm
by Tony Ong
Looks like Eric's waders that he was trying to flog off at a couple of tackle auction. Even the bloke named Covid won't be caught dad in that. :lol:

Re: Club Activities and COVID 19. Monday 23 March 2019.

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:02 am
by Dave Bailey

Fingers crossed we get a tackle auction Eric - this could be the year! :D

Re: Club Activities and COVID 19. Monday 23 March 2019.

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 2:27 pm
by Tony Ong
Hi all
Just a quick update. Covid19 regulations have been relaxed a little, however, gatherings are still limited to 10 people. As such, our monthly meetings are still a while away.
We're going to trial a couple of activities where we keep the group under 10. Keep your eye on the website for more information. As a start, we're going to run a field day Sunday 17 May 2020. Down Rockingham way, to hopefully have a chance of Salmon coming through. Andre will announce more on this later.
Another possibility is to run a casting day. We'll have to work out the logistics of this to keep the group numbers under 10. If we get more than 10 along, we'll look at splitting into groups of 10.
Keep an eye on here for more information.

Re: Club Activities and COVID 19. Monday 23 March 2019.

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 8:45 am
by Andre Rossouw
UPDATE: We have decided to extend the field day boundaries to include Point Peron. Field day boundaries will be from Becher Point to Point Peron and out all the way to 5 Fathom Bank. There will be both boating and shore base opportunities available. The field day will still conclude at Port Kennedy boat ramp at 1:00pm

Hi guys

This will be our first club field day after the lockdowns and it will be at the Warnbro Sound.
I know there are still some restriction rules in place to when catching up with mates so try and keep the group at 10 or below. Boaties try and keep it to 2 people per boat.

The field day will start at 00:01am on Sunday the 17th of May and will conclude at the Port Kennedy boat ramp at 1:00pm.
Field day boundaries will be from Becher Point to Point Peron and out all the way to 5 Fathom Bank. There will be both boating and shore base opportunities available.

Field day challenges
- Largest Salmon
- Largest Snapper
- Largest Skippy
- Largest Tarwine
- Other species over 20cm

Hope to see you all there

Re: Club Activities and COVID 19. Monday 23 March 2019.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 7:38 pm
by Matt Bailey
I have unfortunately missed quite a few meetings, then the COVID restrictions have come into play before I had a change to get down and renew my membership. :(
Is there a way I can do so online?

Would love to get more involved in club events as restrictions start lifting.

Re: Club Activities and COVID 19. Monday 23 March 2019.

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 10:16 am
by Tony Ong
Hi Matt
Link below.
Hopefully, the next round of measures will allow our meetings to start back up. We have a field day this Sunday. Welcome to come along and say hi.

Re: Club Activities and COVID 19. Monday 23 March 2019.

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 9:23 pm
by Tony Ong
Just be aware that freeway south will be closed over the weekend due to roadworks at the city. You will need to plan an alternate route if coming from north of city.