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AGM Tuesday 7 December 2021

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 8:28 pm
by Tony Ong
Hi all
This December meeting is our Annual General Meeting. There is a formal part of the meeting the we will try to get through as quickly as possible.

As per our constitution, all positions on the committee are open for election. Please put you hand up if you would like to nominate for a position on the committee.

The Committee has voted to adjust membership fees for 2022. Fees are listed below.
Full member - $70.00
Junior member - $40.00
Country member - $40.00
Early this year, the club voted unanimously to align with Recfishwest on a club level. As a result, all members of Saltwater Flyrodders of WA will also receive membership to Recfishwest. There will be an option on the membership form if you do not wish to become a member of Recfishwest.
A door prize is on offer for those members that sign up on the night. Details to be announced soon.
If you are a paid up member and not getting email correspondence, please check with Leon that your contact details are correct.

We are now able to take electronic payment through square. Direct deposit via your bank is also available, if you can’t make the meeting. Cash is always an option, however, Liam will not be very happy if you decide to bring your cheque book along.

Field day fees remain the same from 2021. Full year $40.00. Single field day - $5.00
Money raised from field days goes directly towards purchasing prizes for those that participated in field days through the year.

2022 calendar of events will be presented on the night. Details will also be published to the website shortly.

Chef Dale will again be cooking up a storm for us on the night. Have a look below for the menu.

A raffle prize will also be on offer. Details to be announced once finalized.

This year’s talk, Graeme will talk about his journey to achieve his Master Casting Instructor with the Fly Fishers International.

The AGM is one of our most well attended meetings. It’s always a great night. Hope to see you there.