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Swan River Fly Locations

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 1:23 pm
by James Aps
Hi all,

New member here (be gentle)- due to work/ family time pressures I'm looking for a few close to home spots on the Swan where i can try for some bread & butter fish when i get a 2-3 hour window which isn't enough time to get the boat out but enough for me to jump in the car and scoot to the riverbank before the wife knows I've gone..... Appreciating we are heading into winter which affects the available target species, but I cant change that!

I was wondering if anyone has fished this spot on the North bank of the river, opposite Bicton Baths? Some nice looking shallows with a steep dropoff into the channel.....? I have driven past it in the boat a hundred times but never dropped a line because it's right on the channel markers. Anyone ever fished it wading in the shallows?

Screenshot attached


Re: Swan River Fly Locations

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 11:26 am
by peter birch
Ssshhh top spot in summer for flathead,work the incoming tide.

Re: Swan River Fly Locations

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 7:03 pm
by Tony Ong
Flathead and flounder in summer months. You’ll get bream just about all year round. Herring and tailor on the edge of the drop off. Best fished early in the day before sea breeze kicks in, and boat traffic can be an issue.

Re: Swan River Fly Locations

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 12:43 pm
by Brett
James if your wading there's also a smaller boat pen with adjacent flat down river in front of the apartments in North Freo. You'll find the previously mentioned fish there. Best fished during the neap tides and an hour either side of low...or when you get chance.

Re: Swan River Fly Locations

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 12:37 pm
by James Aps
Thanks for the feedback all, really appreciated! Apologies for delayed reply, been away/ offline recently.

Now my tinny casting deck is up and running it sounds like anchoring in those shallows near the drop off and casting out might prove fruitful in the right weather conditions.

I think Ive also fished those flats at North Freo pre-fly fishing days- was fairly successful for flathead if i recall- will defo give it another go on the fly then!
