Meeting 6 Feb 2024 (New Venue)

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Tony Ong
Club Member
Posts: 1060
Joined: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:18 pm

Meeting 6 Feb 2024 (New Venue)

Post by Tony Ong » Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:20 am

Hi all
A big welcome to 2024.
Please note that we have a new venue for 2024. Due to parking issues at our old venue, the committee has made the decision to relocate meetings to a new venue.
Meetings will be held at

Swan Canoe Club
16 Johnson Parade
Mosman Park. ... ?entry=ttu

Plenty of parking available, and ample space for casting before the meeting. It's also really well protected usual prevailing SW evening winds, so for those that are keen for a fish before the meeting, it's a pleasant spot for a wade. The venue is well set up and right on the water. A projector is available to us for presentations, etc. Plenty of seating and space.

One of our members suffered a stroke just before Christmas. Thankfully, Doug is on the mend. He's kindly offered to talk about things to look out for, as well as his recovery process.

This last boneheads trip, there was a bit of rod carnage. At last count, there were 16 rods broken. We're going to talk about why rods break, and what lessons we can learn to prevent breakages in the future.

We've had a couple field days to report on. Swan in December, and Australind in January.

The next three field days are away down south. Walpole in February, Blackwood in March, Dunsborough in April. Walpole and Blackwood are two of our most popular field days. They are some of our most pristine estuary systems in our state. This is prime time to fish them. We haven't fished Dunsborough for quite a few years. Last year was a disaster because of bad weather. This year, in April, it's going to be prime time for salmon. Weather targeting them from shore or boat, this is one not to be missed. The club has some accommodation booked for these field days. Have a look under the field day section for further details.

Justin has started a What's App chat group for field days. If you are a signed up member and would like to be in the chat, please catch up with Justin and he can put you into the group.

Graeme & co will be casting before the meeting. He'll be there from about 4.30 pm onwards. Meet up at the grassed area above Swan Canoe Club (next to the car park). Come along and get some free casting tips.

It's going to be a big first meeting for the year. Hope to see you all there.

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