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Electric trolling engine for the tinny in the Swan.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:58 pm
by foley
Hey fellas,
looking for an electric trolling engine for my tinny. I get out in the swan a bit when its not blowing plus some inshore ocean stuff. Are they worth it? Does it make a difference?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Electric trolling engine for the tinny in the Swan.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:08 am
by Adam
I haven't fished the swan from a tinny in a long, long time. Having said that I do a lot of fishing and love using electric motors. Started using simple transom mounts to move and roughly hold position. Stepped up to a bow mount with a remote control on the new boat in 2009 and found it great for the fishing I did for the year in the Kimberley's and around Carnarvon and Exmouth.

This year I upgraded to the ipilot and used it in anger for the first time over the last two weeks barra fishing. I can say with out it we wouldn't have caught the number of barra that we did. It was a huge step up to have the electric anchor hold you so that you could snag bash without having to manually hold position. It was also great to be able to come off the "anchor" unsnag the fly and return to the "anchor" spot.

Like all things you get what you pay for in electric motors. The cheaper ones I've used draw more amps which reduces your time on the water with them. The better ones have better current draw for the same outcome. You can also buy after market props which are more efficient as well.

Invest in a good deep cycle battery and a good multi stage charger that will keep your battery in top condition off the water.

What ever you get match it to your intended use.


Re: Electric trolling engine for the tinny in the Swan.

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:30 pm
by Gary Cope
I have been a Tournament Bream Angler for the last 6 years and I can honestly say that without the electric motor, I wouldn't have caught half the fish I have in that time.
I would not own a boat now without one. Last year I upgraded to the remote control attachment on the Minn Cota and I attach the remote control unit to the rod grip. This means the boat can be controlled while fishing and , once you get used to it, without looking.
The short answer to your question after all this is, yes, they are worth their weight in gold.