Loon Top Ride
Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:22 pm
Now in stock, Loon Top Ride, $7.95

Known as Shake and Bake by world class guides, this desiccant or drying agent and powder floatant is fast and easy to use. A fly when still attached to the leader goes in wet, and a few shakes later comes out dry and coated with a powder floatant.
http://www.flyworld.com.au/view/line-an ... 1/count/22
1 800 066 828

Known as Shake and Bake by world class guides, this desiccant or drying agent and powder floatant is fast and easy to use. A fly when still attached to the leader goes in wet, and a few shakes later comes out dry and coated with a powder floatant.
http://www.flyworld.com.au/view/line-an ... 1/count/22
1 800 066 828