Car Pooling, 2013

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Car Pooling, 2013

Post by Hirdy » Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:54 am

Hi all 2013 Boneheads,

I thought I might start up a thread on car-pooling options for Boneheads 2013.

My own plans are to start my drive up on Thursday, 4th April, stopping overnight on Thursday to fish at Carnarvon on Friday and then continue the drive to Exmouth on Saturday the 6th.

On Sunday, 14th April, I plan to drive to Shark Bay to stay two nights, fishing there on Monday 15th. I’ll be driving back to Perth on Tuesday, 16th April. I aim to stay flexible for the trip home, so if I decide to stay an extra day in the Exmouth area, I can. (As long as I’m back in Perth and ready to work on Wed 17th, my boss will be happy ... )

At the moment, I’m the only person in my car (a Nissan Patrol) and I’ll have a kayak on the roof. I can take one extra person and their gear (including an extra kayak), but if someone needs me to tow a boat, I can do so. That creates extra room (their gear can be mostly in the boat), so if a passenger has a boat to tow, I can take two passengers.

At a pinch, I can take more people, but it would mean towing my trailer for gear. I’m not too keen on that, but it can be done if needed.

Contact me here or at or on 0400 340 900 if you need a lift and those dates are suitable.

If anybody else wants to register other car pooling options, please feel free to add to this thread.

IFFF Certified Casting Instructor

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