I thought I better introduce myself. I was a member of the old forum but not the club. I almost never posted on the old forum, but I have now renewed my interest in fly fishing with vigour, so I'll be joining the club at the next meeting.
I fish mainly from a kayak, and I mainly chase snapper in Cockburn Sound. Recently, I've discovered the joys of also chasing "lesser" species (bream, tailor, herring and flatties) while the snapper bite's a bit slow, having picked up a 5wt TFO BVK rod and matching TFO reel. I'll shortly be expanding that to 7wt and 9wt BVK rods and with reels to suit. (I had a cheap 9wt rod but broke it a couple of weeks ago.) I may even end up with a 3wt somewhere down the line.
I'm still very much a beginner and will be looking for help in my casting (bloody trailing loops ....
