Free Magazines

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Arnold Tucker
Posts: 35
Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:41 pm
Location: Perth WA

Free Magazines

Post by Arnold Tucker » Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:37 pm


I was having a bit of a clear out and was going through some old mags and came across a fair number of Western Angler mags, the earliest that I came across was Western Angler Diver Sept 1989. I have not brought them for some years now but there old and new and if you were a collector some may fill the gaps in your collection or just to have and read the days of old in comparison to what is happening today.
Would be a shame to throw them out so this is why I am putting it out there, I know it's not fly but it may be of interest to some.
So if you are interested or know someone that may be PM me.



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