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Max Garth RIP
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:10 am
by Ron Pearson
Max Garth, Australia’s best known ‘pioneer’ saltwater fly fisherman, passed away peacefully last night. He has had ill health for a number of years and been greatly restricted in his movements. This how ever never dampened his passion for the sport. Max’s contribution to the sport certainly had a major impact in Australia and he was well known in international circles as well. He has been a mate from the very ‘early’ days and I will miss our lively discussions. Rest in Peace old mate.
Re: Max Garth RIP
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:43 am
by mat uchino
Condolences to his family
Humbling to see his captures with the gear at the time- landbased too.
Disappointing he never got to go back up to the rocks one last time- that would have made a heck of a story.
Re: Max Garth RIP
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:03 pm
by Hirdy
Sad news indeed. I met up with Max a few times and picked his brain on quite few subjects. He taught me to cast DH rods and I bought one of his rods from him after one of my lessons. He new he'd never be able to use it again and was happy to find someone interested in trying it out.
I was thinking of him on Tuesday as I planned a trip to the Narrows for mulloway: I was planning to use the rod I bought the next morning. I will remember him each time I use the rod.
Vale Max.
Re: Max Garth RIP
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:54 pm
by David Coombes
Thank you Ron for posting the news and it is a sad day for salt water fly rodders. I feel honoured to have met and discussed fly fishing with Max a few years ago. RIP Max