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Meldrum Clouser
Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 10:12 am
by Steve Clarke
I've seen a few references to Kim Meldrum's version of a clouser on these boards and others, but I have yet to see what the finished fly looks like.
Does anybody have a recipe/pattern with photos that they could share?
Re: Meldrum Clouser
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:55 pm
by Rohan
Kim Meldrum tied it and he actually hates having his name put to it, but he really does hit the nail on the head with very, very simple patterns that simply represent what he is trying to imitate, in this case an Anchovy, which was extremely prevalent in the swan river in the year he used this fly. There have been many flies that have evolved from this one over the years such as the flashy bream fly, very similar but tends to imitate a shrimp instead. The "Meldrum" clouser is simply a clouser tied on a #2 or #4 Hook, no body wrap, just a bare hook shank, medium gold bead chain eyes, and a simple body of green shimmer flash under, chartreuse shimmer flash over and maybe a bit of rusty or olive coloured krystal flash over that. Very simple and very effective on herring, tailor, bream, flathead, flounder and giant herring. Slightly bigger ones around 1 or 2/0 have caught plenty of night time mulloway.
Re: Meldrum Clouser
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:40 am
by Hirdy
Do you have any pictures Rohan?
Re: Meldrum Clouser
Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:53 am
by Rubin
I remember when I first started fly fishing, I just about lost the whole of my cheap fly line to something serious on the bridge pylons. Following that, I made some cursory attempts at bream, with a rather mixed success. I've very much written off the idea of trying for the elusive Mulloway on fly. That is, until I saw the centre page article "Swan King king conquered with lures." They are there and I suppose, as some fellow forum members indicated here, its a matter of trying to suss it out and putting in the hours.
I also had the chance to speak with club champ Mike Andrews at the last Boneheads. I think, if not mistaken, he said his trophy fish was caught on a white Deceiver. The rave in the other Saltwater forum is the articulated Game Changer, however it looks like a bit beyond my tying skill level at the moment. I remember reading about Mulloway being caught on the Meldrum fly. I remember buying some tying materials from Bluewater years back and must say the first decent fish I caught on fly was a 60cm Flatty on this. Can't remember the exact materials I used but here's a picture is what I had in my tying box.
Re: Meldrum Clouser
Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 9:11 am
by Mike Andrew
Thanks Rubin
Rohan is correct , I've never met Kim but I also have been told
that he hates that fly being named after himself.
The bottom fly was given to me by an old mate Kurt Blanksby.
It produced my first metre fish ( 119 cm )
The top fly , my own feeble attempt.
I felt that it looked like a big prawn under the Narrows lights.
Kurt called it the " jellybean effect " . Even if the fish weren't feeding they wouldn't
pass up a big fat prawn.
Re: Meldrum Clouser
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 3:46 pm
by Rubin
Thanks for that Mike. I suspected I might have underdressed mine especially if they are feeding on Bony Herring, unless of course baitfish are Hardy Heads. Interesting perspective 'Jellybean Effect' imitating a big prawn; most probably the explanation how I fluked a hook-up on a small Woolly Bugger. Shall attempt some flashy version. Have also tied some with Steve Farrar SF Flash Blend for a sightly bigger profile.
Re: Meldrum Clouser
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 10:57 am
by daniel horne
Can any one shed any light on the shimmer flash material? I can find sparkle flash but not the shimmer
Re: Meldrum Clouser
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 7:26 pm
by peter birch
Shimmer flash is/was available in a size from thin to a little bit wide profile in green (picture black Crome) reflective shine material.
It picks up light and reflects it thru shallow to deep depths, thus simulating baitfish in distress.
Re: Meldrum Clouser
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:58 am
by Tony Ong
Hi Dan.
The original Meldrum material was called Sparkle Flash. It was a Tiewell product. I can't remember the exact colour, but it was a green/chartruese. Sparkle flash is no longer available. There is another flash product called Polar Flash by Hedron. This is the closest that you will get to the original Sparkle Flash. Hope this helps
Re: Meldrum Clouser
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 11:45 am
by daniel horne
Thanks tony iv found that material cheers