Boneheads 2015
Boneheads 2015
Hi guys,
the dates proposed for the 2015 event are from Sat May 2 to Sat May 9th inclusive.
Just waiting for the resort to confirm the booking.
It falls either side of a full moon, with building spring tides and highs in the middle of the day. ... _TP014.pdf
Standby for expressions if interest.
the dates proposed for the 2015 event are from Sat May 2 to Sat May 9th inclusive.
Just waiting for the resort to confirm the booking.
It falls either side of a full moon, with building spring tides and highs in the middle of the day. ... _TP014.pdf
Standby for expressions if interest.
Re: Boneheads 2015
Hi Gavin, Dale Sniffen from the club, yes I'm in for 2015 hope theres a spot
- Posts: 102
- Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:32 am
Re: Boneheads 2015
Put me down as interested for sure. Would love to do a week of it, sadly this year family commitments kept me away from any norther fishing trips so Im rather keen.
Put me down as interested for sure. Would love to do a week of it, sadly this year family commitments kept me away from any norther fishing trips so Im rather keen.
Re: Boneheads 2015
bring it onnnn !!!
Re: Boneheads 2015
Guys - FYI the resort has confirmed the booking.
For any new guys wanting to go just email me at with subject = 'Boneheads 2015', and I can add you to my boneheads mailing list.
For any guys who went in 2014 but won't go next year just drop me a line so I can remove you from the email list.
The good news is it's only 6 months away!
For any new guys wanting to go just email me at with subject = 'Boneheads 2015', and I can add you to my boneheads mailing list.
For any guys who went in 2014 but won't go next year just drop me a line so I can remove you from the email list.
The good news is it's only 6 months away!
Re: Boneheads 2015
I'm in Gav. Can you make the 6 months pass more quickly? 

IFFF Certified Casting Instructor