Squid flies
Squid flies
I posted last year re flies for targeting squid but have since lost the reply.Any help in suggested patterns/styles would be appreciated so i can have a crack at those suckers
Re: Squid flies
black over purple decievers work very well but hooking them and keeping them connected is a different story i dont even tie feathers on the deciever just use artificaial material such as dna holofusion etc
Re: Squid flies
is that using a mini crown or another hook set up?
Re: Squid flies
i used normal hooks but probably better to use a squid designed set up but may need eyes to get it to swim rght way up
Re: Squid flies
Hi guys these may serve. I glued a crown i got off the net to some long hook shanks. I have had limited sucess especially sitting in the boat one day watching squid hammer these two flies right behind the crown, and eyes. My next attempt will pyt the crown behind the eyes...