moved over here to Perth from Wexford, Ireland two years ago now and since Christmas I have gotten back into Flyfishing over here, mainly saltwater flyfishing. I was a member of my local reservoir chasing stocked brown and rainbow trout as well as the native browns that breed there there entering the club as a junior when I was 17. Before I left for Perth I was the assistant secretary and enjoyed 15 years fishing the reservoir which was 9 acres under water. During the summer months it would dry up and turn to pea soup so fly fishing was not very productive there so in the last 3 or 4 years or so I turned to the sea during these months and chased Bass, Pollack and Mackeral. Those sea fish really are a lot tougher and pull like trains!
Now I have set myself back up here and got myself a 10wt flyfishing outfit with an intermediate line. I started out flyfishing for tailor but kept getting bitten off and then I started hooking into Giant Herring but I wasnt able to land one. If it wasnt for one of the admins on the Facebook page who told me that I was using the wrong type fly and needed to fish one with the hook turned up as the roof of the mouth was a lot tougher I still think I would be having those sleepless nights frustrated and planning my next trip the following morning. lol

Anyhow, thats my introduction here for now. Hope to learn a bit a more from you guys and maybe see you on the bank some day!