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Hello from a newbie

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:27 am
by Nathan Busio
Hi All,

A Perth local, an avid spin fisherman.
Looking to get into some wand waving action.

Completely new to fly. Hopefully I can find some good information on here to get me started.
Looking to get into some estuary action (flathead/bream), and also salt for tailor and salmon on some other usual suspects.

What weight rod/reel would you all recommend starting on for a beginner?
And any ideas of a good beginner combo?

Next is learning how to cast, and I guess a lot of practice down the park.

Appreciate you time in advance.

Re: Hello from a newbie

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:25 pm
by Hirdy
G'day Nathan,

I guess you've come to the right place: lots of local info on this forum and in the heads of the club members. Come along to tonight's meeting and start picking brains.

I'd say a 6 or 7 weight system is where you want to start. Not too heavy, so you are less likely to damage yourself learning to cast (tendinitis) but not so light that you can't feel the line loading the rod. These weights are also good for flatties and bream, but maybe a little light for the metro salmon. (I'd go with 8 or preferably 10 weight on salmon, but you will almost certainly wreck your casting arm/shoulder if you try to learn on a 10 wt rod.)

Number one recommendation, though, is to get lessons on casting before going too far. You'll save a lot of time and money in the long run with a few good lessons up front. Time is saved on getting the fly to the fish next month rather than next year, and money is saved in not buying shit you don't need in the quest to be a better caster. (Money is also saved on the physio ... :) )

Which part of Perth are you in? There might be someone nearby who can help.


Re: Hello from a newbie

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 3:41 pm
by mat uchino
I'm bringing down a couple of 6wt combos to the club auction this evening to sell off cheap.

They are beginner gear but a an inexpensive starting point to give it a go.

Re: Hello from a newbie

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 4:50 pm
by Hirdy
mat uchino wrote:I'm bringing down a couple of 6wt combos to the club auction this evening to sell off cheap.

They are beginner gear but a an inexpensive starting point to give it a go.
I have a mate from work coming who may well be interested in one of them. He's just starting out too. You may get a good price Matt! :)

Re: Hello from a newbie

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 5:37 pm
by mat uchino
Both sales will go back to the club anyways- everyone wins :D

Re: Hello from a newbie

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 6:02 pm
by Nathan Busio
Hi Guys,

Thanks for your advice.
I'm in Balga, but happy to travel as required.

Not able to make it tonight, though, if you could recommend anyone that I could get in contact with regarding some lessons?
Sounds like as per normal fishing, you need a few different set-ups to cover different areas.

Re: Hello from a newbie

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:47 pm
by Stephen Bradbury
Hey Nathan
welcome to the best sport in the world (maybe I'm bias) :). One of the best places to get casting lessons in Perth is from Chris Dunham of Flyworld (shop in Bayswater) just give him a bell at the shop PH - 9371 5156 or drop in on a Saturday between 9.30 and 1.00. Otherwise you may have to wait for our next club casting day on the 21st of June for some free advise/casting lessons ?, teaching professionals are a bit light on the ground in W.A. unfortunately, but there are many good casters in the club to give you a hand and get your casting going in the right direction (excuse the pun). :)
The guy's are right a 6 / 7 wt is a great place to start rod wise and will cover most river and estuary fishing situations in our windy state, then you can build up to a 10 wt for most of the offshore and northern destinations as you progress.

Re: Hello from a newbie

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 7:06 pm
by MichaelG
Nathan welcome I can assure you that once you start you will want to use spin less and less.

I live in mirrabooka if you did want to have a cast of a few rods sometime prior to committing to a purchase. or if you have already bought and want to go for a fish. shoot me a pm

Re: Hello from a newbie

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 1:39 pm
by Nathan Busio
MichaelG wrote:Nathan welcome I can assure you that once you start you will want to use spin less and less.

I live in mirrabooka if you did want to have a cast of a few rods sometime prior to committing to a purchase. or if you have already bought and want to go for a fish. shoot me a pm

Hi Michael,

Thanks very much mate, i picked up a cheap 6wt combo from the net to get me started. Nothing special.
Took it down the park and spent an hour or so practicing casting.
I definitely need to look at getting a few lessons to set me on the right track.

That being said, went up to Jurien Bay on the weekend, and I couldn't resist packing the 6wt.
Had a ripper afternoon session on ultralight spin on herring and Flathead along the beach.

Decided to go and grab the fly and have a cast, managed to pick up 1 herring with a few other hits.
How i did it i do not know :D :D
Luckily they were feeding right on the drop off only a few meters out.

I think casting lessons will be a necessity, as i was having trouble getting much distance out of the was at all, it seemed like the projection on the forward cast just wasn't there.

Re: Hello from a newbie

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 9:13 am
by Diarmuid O Laoghaire
Nathan Busio wrote:
MichaelG wrote:Nathan welcome I can assure you that once you start you will want to use spin less and less.

I live in mirrabooka if you did want to have a cast of a few rods sometime prior to committing to a purchase. or if you have already bought and want to go for a fish. shoot me a pm

Hi Michael,

Thanks very much mate, i picked up a cheap 6wt combo from the net to get me started. Nothing special.
Took it down the park and spent an hour or so practicing casting.
I definitely need to look at getting a few lessons to set me on the right track.

That being said, went up to Jurien Bay on the weekend, and I couldn't resist packing the 6wt.
Had a ripper afternoon session on ultralight spin on herring and Flathead along the beach.

Decided to go and grab the fly and have a cast, managed to pick up 1 herring with a few other hits.
How i did it i do not know :D :D
Luckily they were feeding right on the drop off only a few meters out.

I think casting lessons will be a necessity, as i was having trouble getting much distance out of the was at all, it seemed like the projection on the forward cast just wasn't there.
Good stuff! Glad you gave it a shot even without anyone telling you what and how to do it. There is a great little take from the herring. Sometimes I think they are bigger than they actually are at first. At least now you know what is in store for you for when you get going properly and start hooking into the bigger fella's! :D