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Boat conversion...
Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 3:08 pm
by MattGoodall
So been a little busy of late unfortunately not a huge lot of fishing. But the floor in the boat finally gave way from where the previous owner cut out some chairs in the deck half going through the ply and glass. So decided to rip it all up to repair.
Than decided to finally cut the screen off the front and make it a centre console set up for Flying the way i want it. Cast deck up front with a lean pole and console. So off came the front with a lot of effort never as easy as it looks
Boat is already way more open and keen to get moving. Since those photos all the attachments and motor are off and now i have a bare shell. Put it upside the other day in the shed ready for sanding/patching the hull ready for boat before being put back on the trailer for the fit out. Bit of a job but will be worth it when it is finished

Cant wait....
Re: Boat conversion...
Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 4:28 pm
by Tony Ong
Hi Matt. That's a huge job. I don't envy you. Are you going to get rid of the banana colour as well.
Keep us up to date as you progress please.
Re: Boat conversion...
Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 4:54 pm
by MattGoodall
Whoops meant sanding/patching ready for painting.
Yeh mate if I could get a keywest I would drop that cash haha.
But I can't and on a tight budget. So this will have to do

believe me I wouldn't want anyone to envy me haha.
Will definetly put up progress pics. Will be finished just in Time for winter haha
Re: Boat conversion...
Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 4:56 pm
by MattGoodall
Yep the yellow is just the top. The sides and hull are already white. But will probably
Go with a light blue of some sought on top
Re: Boat conversion...
Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 8:40 am
Mate she will look and go great when you're done, it'll all be worth it

Re: Boat conversion...
Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 5:06 pm
by Tony Ong
Hi Matt. I envy guys that have the skill set to do something like this. She'll be good once finished. Are you going to fit some horizontal rod lockers down the side?
I notice that there's a few fixed cleats around the boat still. Line catchers at the best of times. Line destroyers when there's a fish on the end of the line. Keep the lines inside the boat as clean as you can. The less things that can catch fly lines, the better.
Some vertical rod holders down the side that will accommodate 9 ft rods would also be handy. You can never have too many of these.
Re: Boat conversion...
Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 7:48 pm
by MattGoodall
Yeh mate fair bit of work to do. My ol man has done a fair bit of fibreglassing witch will help hugely.
Yep day after i took the screen and that off i took everything off the tops and anything i didn't need. The bar as well.
May just have some stainless steel grab handles on front for retrieving and launching the boat thats about it. maybe a couple pop cleets in the back corners otherwise clean. I can't stand things that get caught on fly lines which is pretty much everything so it will be as bare hull as possible. Yep those two supports going under the sides on each side will be taken out than the gunnels strengthened to the hull . Than i will have room to hopefully fit 2 or 3 fly rods down each side. Than probably some very rod storage on the sides of the console. for rods u are using or something.
Nice starting with a bare shell can have as little as possible so to catch fly lines on
One thing is the console, Will want it tall enough to stand and drive but not any more so will probably be quite low.
Will just cut something out of cardboard and stand and see what works.
Should have it set up just the way i want it by the time next boneheads comes around

Re: Boat conversion...
Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 7:58 am
by Justin
Hi Matt,
I have always wanted to do a project like this. Good luck. Keep an eye for any osmosis in the hull. (Any liquid that smells like rotten apples. No point sealing the hull without fixing this.
BTW I used to work in a boat shop so if you need any advise feel free to ask.
Re: Boat conversion...
Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 9:12 pm
by MattGoodall
Cheers mate,
Yeh the hull it self is actually pretty good and solid for the age of the boat.
Painting will be done quite quickly just all the prep work is the time consuming bit.
she will get there and i can't wait till she is finished will be a new boat nearly

Re: Boat conversion...
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 4:43 pm
by MattGoodall
Got some more done yesterday. More sanding the hull and patching some small chips and dings. Than more sanding
Just love it haha. Getting there be ready for paint hopefully next week or so... Than the even more fun bit starts

if only it was as much fun as it sounds lol