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Boneheads 2016 dates?

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 10:17 am
by Spencer King
Any information on when Boneheads 2016 is been planned for?

Re: Boneheads 2016 dates?

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 10:17 pm
by Rohan
Dates have been considered but pretty sure the jury is still out Spence. Some time between March and September :?

Re: Boneheads 2016 dates?

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:09 pm
by MattGoodall
any chance we can do the caravan park to keep costs down, or does everyone like their comfort too much. its not heaps of money but it is for some :)

Re: Boneheads 2016 dates?

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 5:22 pm
by Tony Ong
Hi Matt
We used Lighthouse Caravan Park as a venue for many years. A lot of us have sworn never to go back to Lighthouse. It's getting run down with lack of maintenance. Yes, it's more expensive at Exmouth Escape, but it's a much better facility and experience. Other parks in town have accommodation as well, but none of them are set up as well to cater for a group the size of Boneheads. ie chalets spread all over the place, making it hard to have the nightly get together.

Re: Boneheads 2016 dates?

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 8:46 pm
by MattGoodall
Fair enough. The rates are very good for how comfortable it is just couldn't afford it this year hopefully next year will see.

Re: Boneheads 2016 dates?

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:27 pm
by Rohan
Must admit Matt, the Escape stretches my finances too, The lighthouse is cheaper and to me is closer to the shore based spots but they are just taking the piss with the standard of facilities and its a long run into town for supplies as well. At least at the Escape the air con works, and you don't have to get unspecified scuzzz/slime on your feet when taking a shower :mrgreen: ! I jus put aside 30 a week for it in advance so the dollars are there.

Re: Boneheads 2016 dates?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 11:48 am
by MattGoodall
yeh fair enough. should start putting some away am hoping to do a quick trip once my boat is finished before the end of the year. just swag and fish will see if that happens. otherwise will put some away each pay for it as well

Re: Boneheads 2016 dates?

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:44 pm
by MattGoodall
in the history of boneheads have u ever held a friendly comp while on boneheads ? Was just thinking it would be kinda cool to run one over a day or 2 while up there. Or maybe thats just the dumbest idea i have ever had :)

Re: Boneheads 2016 dates?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:45 pm
by Stephen Bradbury
Hey Matt, we have never had a competition at Boneheads and I suppose in my opinion that probably stems from us trying over the years with the club and trips like Boneheads to focus more on the exploring/learning/social side of fly fishing rather than the competitive and sometime secretive world of competition fishing, which doesn't normally lend itself to encouraging new people into the sport etc ? But I'm open to smaller targeted style fun comps (like field days) if they can be held without getting too serious and support all levels of skill/experience so it's still an enjoyable outcome, if that make sense ? :) that's a lot of waffling from me sorry ! :lol:

Re: Boneheads 2016 dates?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:07 pm
by GDay
Guys - dates confirmed.....
Sat Sep 3rd to Sat Sep 10th.
Price same as last year - $800, staying at Exmouth Escape.
I would like to get an idea on interest so please send me an email to
No deposit required at this point - just expressions of interest please.