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Fly on the yak

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:18 am
by Brian Ross
Hi Gentlemen,
I am new to kayak fishing but come from a background of fly fishing in Victoria.
Decided to get back into the flys and chase these elusive bream in both the Swan and Canning. I have had good success with soft plastics and hard bodies so thought i would up the ante.
I have an old Jarvis Walker 6wt Blackridge coupled with a 1940 ish Milward reel. Probably not the best gear to be chasing with but its what i have and will do for now.
Great forum you have here with good information on a variety of topics i needed to brush up on.
Looking forward to catching up with some of you at future meetings and out on the water.

Re: Fly on the yak

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 1:14 pm
by Diarmuid O Laoghaire
Still trying to acomplish this one myself! lol :oops:

Re: Fly on the yak

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 3:47 pm
by ash
Hey Brian we meet again!

I thought you might end up getting sucked back down the fly fishing path. If its been a while you might wanna have a few casting practice sessions on the flats or even down at the local park as casting from a kayak can be tough at times, espescially once you throw in a bit of wind and tide movement...

If you wanna save that 1940s reel ive got one you can borrow mate.

Good luck

Re: Fly on the yak

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 3:51 pm
by Hirdy
G'day Brian,

Welcome to the forum.

I'm a keen yak fisherman myself, so at some stage, I'll join you out there to chase bream in the river.

Meanwhile, I'm catching their bigger cousins ... :)


Re: Fly on the yak

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 5:19 pm
by Brian Ross
Hi Ash,
Thanks for the offer. Might catch up with you on Sunday if you're doing the social comp.
Get the new yak next week and may look at a new reel as well. :D