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Broome Trip next week

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:48 am
G'day All,

The missus surprised me last Friday on my 30th birthday with a trip up to Broome for a week (she had previously lied and said we were going down south).

First three days at eco beach and the rest of the week staying in Broome itself. We will have a hire car so will be mobile.

Does anyone have any good land based spots that we can have a crack at? Also any recommendations in terms of charter companies? Doesn't have to be 100% fly fishing as id like for the missus to be able to get stuck into some fish too. Any other cool stuff to do there other than the croc farm/pearl tour etc?

Cheers :)


Re: Broome Trip next week

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:10 am
by eric franco
Hi Dave, you lucky man. Its good to see holiday destinations arranged by wives that don't focus around shopping!
I think the mob at Eco beach are able to arrange a day charter that departs from their beach front if my memory serves me correct. I remember reading it in a western Angler some years back. Have a good trip & happy 30th.

Re: Broome Trip next week

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:17 am
Yeah shes a bloody legend mate, ill be in my element surrounded by fish, reptiles and Matsos!

Yep I was planning a day out with the Barraddict charter mob that go from Eco Beach, thought there may be some others that people may have had good/bad experiences with.

Cheers mate, hope you and the family are well :)

Re: Broome Trip next week

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:32 am
by peter birch
They can take you down to jacks creek,the resort has a 4x4 .big tides the wife and nearly got caught there years ago.

Re: Broome Trip next week

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:40 am
Cheers Birchy, will be taking the 7wt for a session down there for sure :)

Re: Broome Trip next week

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:24 am
by troy
Kurt runs the guiding there and knows a bit about fly. There are permit around the beach and headland at Eco Beach and some good salmon fishing along the beach and the creek. If you get easterlies you might be lucky enough to hit the first of the threadie salmon run.

Around Broome a high tide at Riddell beach is worth a walk