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Surplus Lines For Sale

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 6:12 pm
by Hirdy
It seems I have accumulated more lines than I can ever possibly use. I'm not giving up fly fishing, in case you're wondering; just rationalising of about a third of my lines ...

Some of these I bought new and used a few times (like the Rio Camolux InTouch and the Outbound Custom) while others were part of "job lots" of gear that I bought (e.g. the XRL lines and the Striped Bass Type IV).

Some of these lines are considered "classics" and are hard to get. People who like the XRL lines will be very pleased to see this thread! ;)

All payments are to be through PayPal please.

Airflo Sixth Sense WF5/6S Hardly Used $50 (SOLD)

Advantage Tracer (it glows …) WF10F New (in box) $40 (SOLD)

Bario GT125 WF8F Used $30 (SOLD)
Bario GT90 WF6I New $40 (SOLD)

Cortland XRL (Exposed Running Line) WF8S New (in box*) $75
Cortland XRL (Exposed Running Line) WF8S New (in box) $70 (SOLD)
Cortland XRL (Exposed Running Line) WF8S Lightly Used $50 (SOLD)
Cortland XRL (Exposed Running Line) WF8I Lightly Used $50
Cortland XRL (Exposed Running Line) WF8I Lightly Used $50
Cortland XRL (Exposed Running Line) WF9F Lightly Used $50
Cortland XRL (Exposed Running Line) WF10S Lightly Used $50 (SOLD)
Cortland XRL (Exposed Running Line) WF10S Lightly Used $50
Cortland XRL (Exposed Running Line) WF12S New (in box) $70 (SOLD)
Cortland XRL (Exposed Running Line) WF12S New (in box) $70
Cortland 444 9S (4m/s) New $40
Cortland 444 Sylk WF5F Used $40
Cortland 444 Tropic Plus WF8I Used $50
Cortland 444 Tropic Plus WF9I Used $50
Cortland 444 Tropic Plus WF8I Used $50
Cortland Int Big Game WF9F/I WF9F/I Used $40
Cortland Running line Mono Cobra Plus 50lb (x2) (New, 1 in box) $20 for both

Rio Aqualux WF6I Lightly Used $50 (SOLD)
Rio Camolux InTouch WF8I Lightly Used $70 (SOLD
Rio DeepSea Density Compensated 600gr New (in box) $75
Rio Lake WF6S3 New (in box) $55
Rio Outbound WF7I Used $45 (SOLD)
Rio Outbound Custom (cut to 400gn) WF10S Hardly used $50
Rio Outbound Short WF10I/S Hardly Used $55 (SOLD)
Rio Tropical (Clear Tip) WF7F/I Used $60 (SOLD)

Royal Wulff Saltwater Taper 10S WF10S New (in box*) $50 (SOLD)
Royal Wulff Triangle Taper WF2F Not fished $40 (SOLD)
Royal Wulff DT3F Not fished $20 (SOLD)
Royal Wulff Bermuda Triangle (clear) WF10I Hardly Used $50 (SOLD)

SA Streamer Express (green and clear) WF300S Lightly Used $60 (SOLD)
SA Streamer Express (orange and clear) WF350S Lightly Used $70 (SOLD)
SA Mastery Bonefish (clear) WF7S New (in box) $75
SA Striped Bass Type IV WF9S Lightly Used $95 (SOLD)

* These lines have Gudebrod loops. I spooled them onto reels for a trip but the trip was cancelled and I put the lines back in their boxes.

Re: Surplus Lines For Sale

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 7:41 am
by John OSullivan
Hi Graeme. Ill take the XRL WF8S lightly used $50
Many thanks
Paypal details? Or pay you on Tue?

Re: Surplus Lines For Sale

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 7:24 am
by Rick
Graeme that's quite a collection you have there. Ill have to show this to the missus...she thinks I'm the biggest collector of "useless" stuff out there... if only she new :lol:

Ill take the 9 weight striper IV

Also do you know the length and grain weight of the head on the Cortland XRL 10wt S?


Re: Surplus Lines For Sale

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 7:38 am
by Hirdy
G'day Rick,

Useless? My stuff? Never!!!!! :D

Sorry, the Striper Type IV went last night and I haven't had time to update the list yet. (Very popular line, that one. Lots of enquiries.)

I don't know the details of the XRL head lengths and weights. They are an integrated shooting head style of line though, so I would estimate the head will be about 30' long and the weight will be around 400 grain.


Re: Surplus Lines For Sale

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:00 am
by Rick
Life would be a lot less interesting if we couldn't amass 'stuff' which no matter how much we acquire is never useless, well that's the argument Im having. Pitty about the striper IV, good line those.

Ill take a XRL 10 weight sink line.

Also the saltwater triangle taper in 10 weight, is it a inter?

Re: Surplus Lines For Sale

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:13 am
by Hirdy
G'day Rick,

The SWT 10 is an intermediate line from memory, but I'll check when I get home this evening. You can pop the money into this link and I'll bring them into work or post them out to you (add $5 for that.)


Re: Surplus Lines For Sale

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 6:58 am
by Rick
Thanks Graeme, there's a club meeting next Tuesday right?

Ill be in town for that, could grab the lines and fix you up then if thats suitable.


Re: Surplus Lines For Sale

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:31 pm
by Hirdy

It seems that it's a real sinking line. It's grey and heavy ... :)


Re: Surplus Lines For Sale

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 2:15 pm
by Hirdy

The meeting night was last Tuesday. If you go this Tuesday, you'll find yourself amongst the freshwater fly guys ... (I can imagine the shock on their faces when a young guys shows up for their meeting! :) )


Re: Surplus Lines For Sale

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:01 pm
by Rick
Ahhh yes of course, got my dates wrong.

Ok I've fixed you up via paypal for those lines, could swing buy early next week and pick them up from your work?