Any flies that are a must have for the area? I have read on this forum to arm myself with the fat boy olive over white, some deceivers, chart\white Olive\White and use the SL 2\0 for most anything so far.
What about squimps and stuff like that? The bones will be gone by this time wont they? I'm spending time at Warroora, Ningaloo Station and then Yardie Ck. pretty much a whole month. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm pretty Useless in the salt but I LOVE it!
I'd like to have a day with one of the guides just to get oriented but that's not until my 3rd week up there so help please???? any articles I missed point me in the right direction. I'm taking some DNA to tie with for emergencies and maybe a bit of EP crustacean brush or something of the like.
I bow to your vast fount of knowledge
