What really struck me was the number of sails you see while out at the fishing ground, if the fish are really tight up on baitballs they can be dificult to get to key into the teasers.

How many sails can you count here?

Anchovy baitball being harassed...

Fish are teased to the boat and Cam Sigler style popper heads and tube flies are presented, 12 weights are standard gear matched with a reel with adequate backing.

It's really visual fishing, especially if the fish misses the fly on the initial switch out from the teaser. On most occasions the fish will come back for a second look at the fly - spot the popper (and multiple fish).

Sail coming in for a look.

The eat, then hope for a good hookup.

Another fish comes in for a look...

Billing the fly.


And gone!

Sailie eyeing the fly...

The moment...

Another eat...

Next episode to follow soon.