My (gumby) version of a twisted leader

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My (gumby) version of a twisted leader

Post by Hirdy » Mon May 14, 2012 9:07 pm

I was mightily impressed by the demo of twisted leaders at the last meeting (and no, I'm not talking about the leaders of our political parties). The problem I have with those leaders as shown is that I still cast too many wind knots into my tippets: I'd go broke just using 10m of line each time I had to cut off a knot in the tippet … :oops: Yeah, I know: I'm a gumby and I should learn to cast properly. Until I can, this works well for me.

I have been making my twisted leaders with a power drill in a similar way to an old YouTube video, but I've taken it a couple of steps beyond the video I saw.

My version (shown here) twists both legs of the line and also utilises the hand-twisting method we saw at the club to finish the leader off.

For me, the advantage of my method is the fact that I have a loop at each end: one for the fly line connection and another to attach the tippet to, both via loop-to-loop connections. When I get a knot in my tippet that I can't pick out with a hook, I snip the tippet off and tie a new one on. That costs me half a metre of line, rather than 10.

It's also easy to switch from a 10lb tippet to a 6lb or 4lb tippet if those bloody bream won't play nicely! :)

These twisted leaders (regardless of the method used to construct them) turn flies over beautifully. If you're persisting with stepped mono leaders incorporating numerous knots, I strongly recommend trying a twisted leader sooner rather than later.

IFFF Certified Casting Instructor

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