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Re: Best 6 wt saltwater reel LA - your suggestions?
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:00 pm
by Ross Italiano
Don't use the 6wt much anymore, its about 4wts to light for my liking.
probably one of the new sage reels can't remember the model though
Re: Best 6 wt saltwater reel LA - your suggestions?
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:43 am
by mat uchino
Lamson force sl. Cool & light.
Re: Best 6 wt saltwater reel LA - your suggestions?
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:59 pm
by Rohan
" Avoid Tibor and Sage ??? !! " Two of the most respected brands in the world today for good reason. OK ,Tibor don't do much in saltwater 6wt's these days, Sage do a mid priced but very good value 4250. My recomendation is to stick to known brands that already have a good reputation for quality and have a dealer that is authorised to distribute the brand in Australia for peace of mind when it comes to warranty claims and parts backup, and most top brands come with very good warranties.The Abel is really nice and at least equal in quality to the Tibor but you would probably have to look overseas to obtain one at the moment. Another suggestion is the Ross F1, Vexsis or Evolution. Ross reels are of known quality and thier new reel range has sensational looks to complement that, rec retails range from about $430 to $730 in the F1 IN SIZE #2 (Have not researched but it is my guess that this is the 6wt size, but if not they do go 2 sizes smaller ). Won't push my luck here, see "commervcial transactions" for an offer by the distributors on these reels.
Re: Best 6 wt saltwater reel LA - your suggestions?
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:09 pm
by Jon Hammond
My comment was tongue in cheek

Their seem to be a large amount of Tibor/Sage's amongst club members which can't be a bad thing

Re: Best 6 wt saltwater reel LA - your suggestions?
Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:55 am
by Matt Denton
Hi Rohan,
Thanks for that. Ross Reels look good (I like the one I have, also have a couple of Tibors too, by the way

). At present favouring RossR or an Abel. I'll look out for the specials.
Cheers Matt
Re: Best 6 wt saltwater reel LA - your suggestions?
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:04 am
by Tony Ong
We found the Hatch had a bit of a girly drag sound at Exmouth.
Go a fish anodised Abel Matt. You know you want one.
Re: Best 6 wt saltwater reel LA - your suggestions?
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:26 pm
by Max Garth
For Australians you guys have a very big heap of support for OUR Australian reel maker, Mr Terrance Hayden.
I think his reels are better than any mentioned and they can come in Lever drags and A/R depending on your
options. But that depends on you knowledge and common sense.
Last I heard he was selling them off at reduced rates so you might be actually getting your moneys worth,
at last, after years of Yank rubbish about those Chinese made American labelled reels. Just ask yourself
where Sage reels are made, definitely NOT in that wee factory that makes a record 65,000 rods/year????
So who does put them together, and which Chinese factory is responsible for that stuff. But I guess if they
do come from China the CNC machines that made them are certainly better than their USA counterparts.
Terrys stuff is HAND made, and tolerances are as tight as .0001"
Cheers MaxG.