Morsie (& Hirdy) casting clinics, 21 & 22 April, 2018

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Morsie (& Hirdy) casting clinics, 21 & 22 April, 2018

Post by Hirdy » Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:30 am

In the lead up to this year's Boneheads trip, Morsie and I are conducting two casting clinics on the weekend of 21 & 22 April in Perth. Morsie will be the lead instructor and I'll be helping out while people practice their casting.

Both days will cover the same topics, with the Sunday being oriented to slightly more advanced casters. However, it won't matter which day you attend because we'll be doing a lot of one-on-one work and we can teach to any level as required. If you can't make it on one of the days due to other commitments, please book in for the other ...

I can personally recommend attending a clinic like this. One of Morsie's clinics in 2013 was the impetus for my own progression beyond the "60 foot rutt" I was in. And of course, Morsie is just a bloody legend! :)

We should be right into the salmon by then too, so this will be a good chance to get your casting up to scratch for chasing them. We'll have a few two-hander rods with us for those who are interested in seeing what the fuss is about.

We’ll have a variety of different densities of shooting heads and running lines available. For those looking to dramatically increase their distance - something to really consider for beach and rock fishing for salmon and other species, the combination of shooting heads and 9 foot rods and longer 2 handers really opens things up. They are also particularly applicable for those who like to dredge deep.

Places are limited to 8 people for each day (minimum of 6) and the cost is $150 pp, paid in advance. BBQ lunch and water provided. Please contact me directly to book your place or ask questions. I can be contacted via PMs, phone on 0400 340 900 or email on

IFFF Certified Casting Instructor

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