New Sage Order Being Placed Soon
New Sage Order Being Placed Soon
I am about to place a new order for Sage products, probably only do about 4 orders a year max. , so if anyone needs anything specific in the near future please call me on 9330 7766 and i'll add it into the order for you. Cheers 

Re: New Sage Order Being Placed Soon
Need a tip section for a TCR 8wt. Snapped this morning 

Re: New Sage Order Being Placed Soon
Sorry to hear that Rudolph, hope it was whilst landing a 20kg Mulloway ! Better off doing that one as a warranty, though Bluewater if purchased from an Authorised dealer within Australia. Cheers.
Re: New Sage Order Being Placed Soon
Don't underestimate the Mandyrah Herring 
Warranty card has gone amiss in the move from South Africa. Will call you to discuss

Warranty card has gone amiss in the move from South Africa. Will call you to discuss