Flyrodders Club Logo

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Tony Ong
Club Member
Posts: 1060
Joined: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:18 pm

Flyrodders Club Logo

Post by Tony Ong » Fri Jan 25, 2013 5:26 pm

At the last meeting, we presented some ideas for a new club logo. We voted on a prefered logo. Several members asked if they could present some ideas for the logos. I've received a few submissions and have compiled them into a list. If there's any others, please get them to me by February's meeting. A short list will be drawn up by the committee, and a vote will be taken at the March meeting.

The brief for the logo is as below

A logo that can be easily identifiable with the club.
Something that we can build on as a club brand.
Must easily transfer across different mediums.
Something that won't go out of fashion or age too quickly.

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