This got me thinking about us fly fishers and who has seen Bullys whilst out wading or on the river?
Being an old school filthy baito I thought I would go out and target a Swan river bully on the heavy spin gear, so my neighbor and I set off in search for a good spot. We ended up at point resolution on the left hand side where it drops off a bit faster and fished from 7PM until 1AM with Mullet, Blue Mackeral and Bony Bream to no avail. No sharks, rays or mulloway only a few bream on the light gear.
I was surprised after cubing up the water for a while just how much life there was in the river, walking the banks with my torch I saw huge schools of baitfish, prawns, crabs, whiting and bream. We managed to catch and release a few bream whilst waiting for the big bite so it wasn't a complete waste of time. It was good to see that the lower reaches of the river are still alive and healthy.
All this being said, I have an itch now that needs scratching. Does anybody know of any likely spots where they have seen any of these elusive buggers hanging around? I need to tick it off my fish list
