Metro Salmon setups

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Stephen Bradbury
Club Member
Posts: 232
Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2015 1:26 pm
Location: Perth, Western Australia

Metro Salmon setups

Post by Stephen Bradbury » Tue Apr 21, 2015 10:49 am

Hey Guy's
For those who haven't already or are thinking of targeting a few Salmon this season, my two cents on rod and reel setups for metro Salmon are as follows : Nine or Ten weight rods are ideal for the size fish we usually encounter in the West (sorry for using a dirty word on a public forum [nine] :shock: :D ). It's best two have a couple of reels and/or rods if you have them, set up with a floating line (monofilament leader) for surface flies (poppers,crease flies etc) and a sinking line (350grain or similar) for sub-surface flies (clousers, deceivers, candies etc) especially for boat fishing. An intermediate may be useful for shore based anglers but for me it's a line that makes it harder to use surface flies and doesn't get the fly down and in front of those deeper (sulking/bashed) Salmon schools when in a boat.

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