who's chasing Mulloways in perth ??

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who's chasing Mulloways in perth ??

Post by MattGoodall » Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:58 pm

Down in albany they are on the move, are they moving in perth as well ?? anyone getting out to chase them??

Whats the narrows bridge like land based ?? will be up next week may have a night or 2 free.. mmmm

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Re: who's chasing Mulloways in perth ??

Post by Hirdy » Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:33 pm

Give me a yell and I'll join you for a fruitless night on the river bank. :)

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Re: who's chasing Mulloways in perth ??

Post by MattGoodall » Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:31 pm

Come on who says one of us can't hook a metrey haha. Done

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Re: who's chasing Mulloways in perth ??

Post by Rohan » Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:28 am

It's Do-able, big flashy profile style clousers worked with the tide ( almost drifted) just worked enough to give movement, and then repeat the process a lot of times until it comes to life and goes the other way !

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Re: who's chasing Mulloways in perth ??

Post by Rohan » Fri Oct 09, 2015 11:57 pm

NOW, is peak season or anyone wanting a crack at it.

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Re: who's chasing Mulloways in perth ??

Post by Rick » Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:38 pm

I've tried over the last couple of years or so with no luck, quite a few nights for nothing but casting blisters...

Rohan or anyone who's had some luck with them, do you use a floating line or a inter? How far down in the current do you need to be, will they come up the water column for a look?

Fly wise id imagine natural fibre would be ideal if your dead drifting right?



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Re: who's chasing Mulloways in perth ??

Post by Rohan » Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:48 am

Hi Rick,
It does take some stamina, more than I have at the present moment, but if you put in the hours you should get equal or better results than the bait guys...per hour, and thats still a lot of time when casting a fly time and again. The big years when i had some success were relatively easy as there were lots of mid size fish 4-8kg feeding on hardheads. The idea was to cast up-tide a bit and let the fly drift into the dark of the bridge, working it slowly but using the drift to get the fly deep as well. The fish could often be seen sipping baitfish from the surface , so a floating line would have worked. I found a full intermediate was perfect, any faster sink would snag up to much as the 'STRIP' speed is very slow, just noodling the fly around slowly. A flashy fly with lots of movement at slow speed is the idea, imagine a slight tweak on the line creating a big movement in the fly, all the while being carried by the tide deeper and into the dark under the bridge where the fish are waiting for unsuspecting prey. I caught about 11 fish in over 100 trips and that was a big run of fish, to give some perspective, although at one stage i did have three fish in two trips. It is harder from the shore now as they have blocked the channel between the pylons, changing the flow and deepening the channel on the south side. Still fishable but you could use an upturned milk crate to stand on, wade out on the bank towards the eastern most pylon ( there is a sand bank there ), the best spot is to wade to the western end of the eastern pylon on the south side, and cast straight out to the pylon, hopefully the tide has just started to go out ( best time by far ) and let the fly get deep as it drifts downstream , then strip slow, and alternately let the line out with the tide..just noodle the ( flashy ) fly around. If it gets eaten it may initially feel like a snag, then a few tap, taps .then hang on, you need to use side pressure to encourage the fish to run up the channel, heaps of fish just bolt straight for the pylon , or more exactly, the holes in the pylons, they can go straight through...game over. Bit of a bugger after spending 30 nights for one hookup. Most likely size of the fish at the moment though is 14 - 18kg, so its a great score if you can nail one. Must say there a a few guys who do get one or two this size on fly there every season or so..they like to keep it secret !
To be honest, the best way to target these fish is to pull a dinghy up to the pylon, get off and fish off the pylon into the channel, drifting the fly into the dark. Easier than shore, particularly now that the layout has changed.
Last edited by Rohan on Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:57 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: who's chasing Mulloways in perth ??

Post by Rohan » Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:53 am

Oh, yes they do come right up in the water column, but getting the fly down still helps. they will crash through bony herring right on the surface although i find they are particularly difficult when doing this. Natural fibres are good , but we just used fairly heavily dressed kinky fibre 4/0 clousers with a decent shroud of shimmer flash to add movement and visibility.

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Re: who's chasing Mulloways in perth ??

Post by Rick » Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:54 am

Rohan thanks heaps for that, plenty to chew on. Id best get to tying some big flashy decivers and clousers then.

Ive just moved to Bayswater and the river isn't to far with the Garret Street Bridge reasonably close. I wonder the tactics you describe for the narrows and causeway etc, would also be applicable for this part of the river. There are also a few spots where the channel comes reasonably close to shore, maybe worth a look as well. Will the Mulloway push this far up river in any real numbers?

Thanks again for the advice


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